“ Our Assemblies, which include our acts of Worship are an important feature of our school’s life. They act as one of the main ways by which we create our positive  reflective ethos and promote our values – based education. Assemblies contain times of quiet reflection that enable pupils to develop the deepest values and aspirations of the human spirit. ”

The Indian English Academy School  conducts exclusive Morning assemblies at 7:20 am in the Quadrangle/ Basement. Sunday Morning assemblies are particularly important , as it sholud bring the whole school back together again after the weekend break, to re-focus upon the week in view, on its objectives and the tools that will be used to achieve them. It is used to celebrate / recognize  students achievement in curricular and co-curricular activities.

Other assemblies during the week build on the standards that are set at the beginning of the week. It is used to inform students about the happenings for that day, relevant information is passed to all concerned. The daily news headlines and school news are read out. Individual speakers from among the Management / teachers / Leaders speak on assembly topics.

During Sunday assembly, a group of students perform entertaining the school with singing, dancing, acting and the playing of musical instruments. Each class in the school performs throughout the year.