International Earth day was celebrated on the 21st of April.
The school is already doing much in bringing about an awareness for
saving the planet and it is a part of the Climate change action Project
initiated by the Boubyan Bank, Kuwait.
The kindergarten staff and children celebrated Earth Day where the
teachers explained and enlightened the kids about various things that affect
life on Earth and what measures we as individuals need to take to protect
our planet Earth.
Teachers reemphasized the importance of growing plants by doing planting
activities and also making sure that kids learn to save electricity by
switching off lights before leaving the empty classroom and to reduce the
use of plastic by carrying refillable water bottles and reuse, recycle plastic
items to make useful items wherever possible.
The children dressed themselves in earthly colors of green, blue and brown
wearing self-prepared head gears with the logo and theme of the day “Save
the Earth”. They also sang the Earth song taught by the music teacher. The
program ended with an advisory note by the Principal.